
Lasers for Microscopy

Lasers for Microscopy

We offer an extensive range of laser for use in microscopy, from 2p and 3p lasers for multiphoton imaging, to CW laser engines for confocal and super resolution microscopy. If your application focus is CARS and SRS imaging then we have dedicated ps OPOs optimally configured for these measurement modalities. For those researchers utilising fluorescence lifetime techniques, then we have a suite of ultra-compact, high repetition rate, picosecond pulsed diode lasers that integrate seamlessly into our fluorescence lifetime microscopes.

Lasers for Microscopy Products

Multiline laser platform - Laser Combiners product image
Up to 4 or 6 combined wavelengths, and up to 500 mW per wavelength. Flexibility to allow for up to...
LaserBoxx Continuous and Modulated Lasers product image.
Plug & Play laser diode and DPSS lasers available at wavelengths 375-1064nm. Powers up to 500mW.
LaserBoxx Single Longitudinal Mode Lasers product image
CW, SLM laser diode and DPSS lasers. Wavelengths 532-1064nm, down to <1MHz linewidth.
PicoEmerald Single-Box Laser System product image
Fully automated, tunable ps laser delivering three beams with <10cm-1 bandwidth. Ideal for CARS and SRS.
DeltaEmerald Single-Box Laser System Product Image
Fully automated, tunable ps laser. Innovative dual-colour SRS scheme. Additional fs output for SHG/TPF excitation
Ideal single-box solution for 3P imaging. <50fs pulses at 1300nm, automated wavelength and GDD control.
CRONUS-2P three-channel tunable femtoseond laser system product image
High rep rates for fast imaging One fixed plus two tunable outputs Fully automated GDD control
DeltaEmerald Single-Box Laser System Product Image
Fully automated, tunable ps laser. Innovative dual-colour SRS scheme. Additional fs output for SHG/TPF excitation.
Laser-Hub - 4 picosecond diodes, 1 fiber output product image
Becker & Hickl Laser-Hub 4 picosecond diodes, 1 fiber output. Designed to integrate up to 4 BDS-SM Series Picosecond Diode...
BDU-SM series - USB controlled picosecond diode lasers product image
Fully controlled via USB Interface in in the smallest available form factor - 40 mm x 80 mm x 120...
BDS-SM Picosecond Diode laser image
Small size picosecond diode laser Rep rates 20 MHz /50 MHz / 80 MHz / CW Wavelengths 375-1064nm
BDS-MM series picosecond diode lasers product image
Small size, multimode diode laser, wavelengths 405 to 915nm, max power 60mW.