

Spectroscopy is an ever-expanding part of our business and we offer an extensive range of innovative solutions for all your spectroscopic needs.

Our portfolio includes miniature spectrometers for optical spectroscopy applications. This equipment covers light sources and lasers for illumination and interrogation, hand-held Raman spectrometers, modular spectroscopy equipment, time-resolved spectrometers and detection systems.

For more specific applications such as photovoltaics and organic solar cells, we have an extensive portfolio of solar simulators.

We offer ultra-flexible, LED-based solar simulators from G2V Optics, as well as customisable large-area solar simulators from ScienceTech inc.

With our extensive portfolio, we can configure the optimal solution for all your material characterisation needs.

Spectroscopy Categories

Miniature Spectrometers
Our Miniature Spectrometer portfolio includes Broadcom’s matchbox-sized spectrometers. These pocket-sized...
Raman Spectrometers
Our portfolio Raman Spectrometers features Lightnovo's globally recognised range of...
Continuous Solar Simulators
We offer Continuous Solar Simulators CW solid-state LED Solar Simulators...
Flash Solar Simulators
Here you will find Sciencetech’s range of flash solar simulators....
Infrared and SWIR Cameras
Our offering of Infrared and SWIR cameras focuses on products...
OEM solutions from SensIR for VNIR, SWIR and MWIR applications.
OEM Hyperspectral Sensors
OEM solutions from SensIR for VNIR, SWIR and MWIR applications.
Quantum Efficiency Systems
Sciencetech Inc. designs and manufactures 5 variants of Quantum Efficiency...
High-performance Interferometers from Apre Instruments and Nireos are ideal for...
FT-IR Spectroscopy
Our FT-IR Spectroscopy portfolio includes Si-Ware Systems' NeoSpectra Spectral FT-IR...
Time-resolved Spectroscopy
Our time-resolved spectroscopy portfolio features world-leading systems from Light Conversion...
Light Sources and Filters
Our Light Sources and Filters product range offers a comprehensive...

All Spectroscopy

Filter By Application
Ä9|9MP Fizeau InterferometerProduct Image
Ä9|9MP Fizeau Interferometer from Äpre Instruments. A practical solution for mid-spatial frequency measurement.
Gemini 2D product image
Designed for Two-dimensional Electronic Spectroscopy (2DES). The Gemini turns transient absorption spectrometer into two-dimensional electronic spectroscopy setup
Ultrafast TA spectrometer systems. Measurement ranges from UV to MIR. Flash photolysis, TRF and TCSPC options available.
Large Area Flash Solar Simulator product image
Uniform illumination at 1mx1m - 2mx2m target size Class AAA ASTM standards Largest uniform solar simulator on the market 5...
Highly Collimated Flash Solar Simulator
3.0kW xenon ozone-free lamp Calibrated AirMass filters to simulate the sun's specral distribution 4 varients for different applications Fresnel lens-based...
Concentrator Flash Solar Simulator product image
Illuminates small photovoltaic devices <5cmx5cm 4000 suns peak intensity 500µs flash at 90% peak efficiency and 2.5ms at 50% Pulse-stretching...