


In the multidisciplinary Pharmaceuticals industry, photonics plays an increasingly crucial role in the whole product cycle, from manufacturing to testing.

Pharmaceuticals Products

Filter By Category June 2024 For Applications
ZDT-P product Image
Optical tables for high-precision and highly sensitive applications. Automatic self-levelling
UV Solar Simulator product image
Fully reflective Solar Simulators UV filters match COLIPA and USFDA standards for 280-400nm Suitable for SPF Testing, Photobiology 5 versions...
Tunable Light Source product image
Monochromatic light from 200nm up to 2500nm Collimated, condensed, or coupled output light options. Adjustable optical resolution from 20nm down...
Low-noise, high-resolution, fiber optic spectrometer covering UV to NIR wavelengths. Readout speed reach up to 10MHz,
ATP5000 Series Cooled High-Resolution Spectrometers product image
Great for low light level, ultraviolet-sensitive applications Refridgerating micro-fiber spectrometer Excellent signal: Noise ratio
ATP2000 Series Low-Cost Spectrometer product image
General purpose spectrometers for lab, field, process, and OEMs. Available in 5 variants with spectral ranges 200 - 1100nm.