
Supercontinuum Lasers

Supercontinuum Lasers

Leukos supercontinuum lasers cover wavelengths from 320nm to 4500nm, with different modes of operation (from pulse-on-demand (10 Hz) to quasi-CW (MHz).

Supercontinuum lasers are white light sources that combine the benefits of a broadband lamp ie extended spectral output from UV-VIS-IR, along with the excellent beam quality and brightness of a laser. We are proud to partner with Leukos, who since 2006 have been offering supercontinuum solutions to universities, research institutes and industry worldwide.

Supercontinuum Lasers Products

Bebop Tunable Filter product image
Variable bandwidth single-line tunable filter compatible with all Leukos supercontinuum lasers
Samba Benchtop Turnkey Supercontinuum Laser product image
MHz repetition rate, picosecond pulse duration and >6W of total average power make the ROCK the ultimate supercontinuum laser.
Multi-line AOTF filter for Leukos supercontinuum lasers
Samba Benchtop Turnkey Supercontinuum Laser product image
Sub-nanosecond pulses at 30kHz rep rate delivering total average power up to 250mW over the spectral range 340nm to 2400nm.
New Wave Agile Supercontinuum Laser product image
Variable pulse width and repetition rate Up to 2W total average power with adjustable pulse from 150ps to 2ns and...
Electro VIS White Light Supercontinuum Laser product image
A reliable, cost-effective system focused on lifetime and power in the visible range. Mid Power supercontinuum laser, offering up to...
Electro VIS White Light Supercontinuum Laser product image
ELECTRO VISIR series deliver a unique output spectrum that is spike-free in the band 900 → 1500 nm.
Electro VIS White Light Supercontinuum Laser product image
ELECTRO IR Externally triggered Near Infrared supercontinuum laser source. The Electro IR delivers a unique spectrum in the NIR from...
Electro VIS White Light Supercontinuum Laser product image
Delivering a unique spectrum in the Mid-IR from 900nm to 4800nm. Up to 1W total average power.
Disco Low -Timing Jitter-Triggered Supercontinuum Laser product image
Specifically designed for applications requiring externally triggered sub-ns/ns broadband laser, such as pump probe sub-ns transient absorption spectroscopy (TAS).