The Electro IR laser can either be externally triggered (for easy synchronisation measurements) by a simple TTL signal with low jitter, or internally triggered. For easy synchronization, a trigger output is available with ultra low timing jitter (< 20 ns) making it ideally suited to time resolved NIR spectroscopy. Three models of the Electro IR are available and a ll models feature single-mode fibered output and are compatible with the full range of optical wavelength filtering solutions from Leukos.
Models available are:
ELECTRO 100 IR – >900 – <3000nm, >500mW total power
ELECTRO 250 IR – >900- <3000nm, >1.3W total power
ELECTRO 2000 IR – >900- <2800nm, >400mW total power

- Broad spectrum from 900 to 2800 nm
- Spatially singlemode
- Pulse width from 40ps to 1ns
- Low timing jitter (< 20 ns)
- Externally triggered source
- Flat spectrum in the NIR band
- Option: minimum wavelength down to 700 nm