
Raman Spectrometers

Raman Spectrometers

Our portfolio Raman Spectrometers features Lightnovo’s globally recognised range of units, showcasing their patented mirrorless technology.

Lightnovo is a leading developer and provider of Raman spectroscopy and Raman microscopy solutions for research-grade, industrial and consumer applications.

Their MiniRaman spectrometer is the World’s smallest portable raman spectrometer.

Raman Spectrometers Products

miniRaman Spectrometer product image
World's smallest Raman Spectrometer High sensitivity for sophotsticated Raman applications
RG Raman Spectrometer product image
Extremely compact benchtop spectrometer 4 models available depending on laser wavelength 50-3700cm^-1 spectral range 2-4 or 3-5cm^-1 resolution