Laser Attenuators and Polarisers

Laser Attenuators and Polarisers

Our portfolio of Laser Attenuators and Polarisers includes systems from Lasnix. Their unique substrate-free, free-standing metal grids to control polarisation and power, along with Licel’s software-controlled rotating polariser, separate p- and s- polarised signal contributions in multispectral detection systems.

Laser Attenuators and Polarisers Products

IR Step Attenuators product image
Wavelength bands from 0.7 - 1200μm Up to 300W power handling Simple alignment for ease of use
Continuously Variable Attenuators for CO2 Lasers product image
Wavelength range from 9.2 - 10.4μm, up to 30W power handling, simple alignment for ease of use
Linear Polarisers for CO2 Lasers product image
Designed for use with CO2 lasers Wavelength range from 9.2 - 10.4μm Up to 30W power handling