The HPM-100 module combines a Hamamatsu R10467 hybrid detector tube with a preamplifier and the generators for the tube operating voltages in one compact housing. The principle of the hybrid detector yields excellent timing resolution, a clean TCSPC instrument response function, high detection quantum efficiency, and extremely low afterpulsing probability. The absence of afterpulsing results in a substantially increased dynamic range of TCSPC measurements.
The HPM-100 module is operated via the bh DCC-100 detector controller of the bh TCSPC systems. The DCC-100 provides for power supply, gain control, and overload shutdown. The HPM-100 interfaces directly to all bh SPC or Simple Tau TCSPC systems. It is available with standard C-mount adapters, adapters for the bh DCS-120 confocal scanning FLIM system, and adapters for the NDD and BIG ports of the Zeiss LSM 710/780/880 NLO multiphoton laser scanning microscopes.
Main Features:
- Extremely Fast Response
- Instrument Response Function (IRF) Down to 18 ps FWHM
- High Detection Efficiency
- Large Active Area: 3 mm or 6 mm Cathode Diameter
- Five Cathode Types Covering 180 nm to 920 nm
- No Afterpulsing Background
- No Afterpulsing Peak in FCS Measurements
- Extremely High Dynamic Range of TCSPC Measurements
- Clean IRF: No Tails or Secondary Peaks
- High Noise Immunity
- Internal Generators for PMT Operating Voltages
- Power Supply and Control via DCC-100 or DCU-400/DCU-800
- Overload Protection
- Direct Interfacing to All bh TCSPC Systems
- Cooled Version with Reduced Dark Count Rate Available
Ophthalmic FLIM (FLIO)
Fluorescence Correlation – FCS
Antibunching Experiments by TCSPC
DCS – Diffuse Correlation
Fluorescence Cross-Correlation – FCCS