
Laser Based Ultrasound

Laser Based Ultrasound

The product line consists of a multi-purpose receiver, ultra-high frequency receiver and a multi-component receiver. These systems provide market-leading sensitivity and noise reduction.

Laser Based Ultrasound Products

The Quartet - Multipurpose Receiver Product Image
Based on multi channel random quadrature technology Fiberised opticsl head for a wide range of applications Designed for remote detection...
Offering a bandwidth of up to 20 MHz and designed to maintain sensitivity with lower probe beam power than its...
Tempo 1D - Ultra High Frequency Receiver product image
Out-of-plane detection. For high frequency and ultra high frequency inspection. Detects surface displacements from the propagation of UHF ultrasounds, up...
Tempo 2D - Multi-component Receiver product image
Incoporating two-wave mixing technology, the Tempo 2D simultaneously measures In-Plane & Out-Of-Plane displacements. Integrated 500mW 532nm probe laser.