Photon etc. designs and manufactures state-of-the-art analysis and imaging systems. They are a key player in hyperspectral and infrared imaging, optical filtering, and cryogenic encapsulation with over 2 decades of experience. All their hyperspectral imagers are based on their unique Bragg Tunable Filter technology.
Their portfolio of hyperspectral imagers features solutions for hyperspectral global microscopy, hyperspectral global Raman microscopy, hyperspectral global microscopy and confocal hyperspectral imaging.
These systems deliver spectral and spatial information in the VIS, NIR and/or SWIR spectral ranges, and solutions for unique darkfield and brightfield imaging.
Photon etc are the only company to provide hyperspectral imaging in the second biological window. Their IR VIVO is an infrared multispectral imager for small animal studies small that benefits from reduced light scattering, absorption and auto-fluorescence by using a detection system in the near and short-wave infrared.