
Flash Solar Simulators

Flash Solar Simulators

Here you will find Sciencetech’s range of flash solar simulators. Flash solar simulators were designed to test large photovoltaic devices up to 2mx2m in size. It uses a heavy-duty xenon flash lamp and AM1.5G calibrated solar filter to approximate the sun’s true spectral distribution following ASTM E927-05 (2005) Class A standards. The simulators fire short flashes of light to avoid heating a photovoltaic device for measuring its performance

Flash Solar Simulators Products

Large Area Flash Solar Simulator product image
Uniform illumination at 1mx1m - 2mx2m target size Class AAA ASTM standards Largest uniform solar simulator on the market 5...
Highly Collimated Flash Solar Simulator
3.0kW xenon ozone-free lamp Calibrated AirMass filters to simulate the sun's specral distribution 4 varients for different applications Fresnel lens-based...
Concentrator Flash Solar Simulator product image
Illuminates small photovoltaic devices <5cmx5cm 4000 suns peak intensity 500µs flash at 90% peak efficiency and 2.5ms at 50% Pulse-stretching...